Not at the moment, but I'm working on one that I hope to release in a little bit, just so players have an easy way of seeing how to access all the content :).
And yeah, I'm definitely planning to have some of the old art pieces updated/improved on to achieve a more unified artstyle.
My first priority is to fill in all the black-screen scenes, to make sure that every scene has at least 1 piece of art. After that, I want to improve on some of the weaker pieces and hopefully even create more scenes with multiple pieces of art, as well as more animated art scenes.
But it's always a balancing act as well. I don't have infinite resources, and artists can only work so fast. So a lot of attention also has to go towards new updates as well.
So, a lot of these art-issues are growing pains, and I definitely hope/plan to smooth them over step-by-step with every update.
Bought the game on steam and saw the Dev being more active here so I wanted to ask. Is it normal to get: an Exception has occured while loading image error when you click gallery in the menu?
I really enjoyed the new update! I saved the Jaeid content for last because I had a feeling his would be the most romantic. I'm glad I did! He's such a sweetheart! Obviously he still has his issues though, given his loyalty to Hassar and the Tribes culture. I'm curious to see how his loyalty vs his love for Sarah will play out down the line. All of the other routes, especially the old soldier one, were a little depressing. But it definitely makes sense, since everything happened due to the poor decisions that we made regarding the invasion. So far, my favorite has been the warrior storyline. Seeing how strong and independent Sarah can become really makes me happy. What storyline are you thinking of expanding in the next update?
Glad to read that you're enjoying the new content :).
And yeah, the Jaeid-route is a rare happy/positive route in what is otherwise a pretty bleak set of storylines. Finding that balance/resolution between how he feels about Sarah and his loyalties to the Tribe are going to be a big part of their story.
As for the next update, I aim to be releasing that in about a month, but I can't yet say what it will be about. The only thing I can say is that it will be a bit more of a happy/upbeat update, because writing this much dark/depressing content can be exhausting haha.
I know this is spoilery so I'm gonna try to keep it simple, but after seeing certain parts of the mage route and also the Khan's (for now) short route, I'm not nearly as certain he's a "bad guy". Maybe I'm falling into the same trap as his haremettes, but I have theories as to what his true goals are/who/what he works for.
Most every artwork in the game is followed by a line of code that hides the text box and pauses until the player taps to continue. So usually, when the game transitions to a new artwork, it should show a version without text box first.
Additionally, I also know Renpy also offers a standard function like this on PC, but I'm not sure if it does so for Android.
thanks for the reply, I found the shortcut for pc, I belive its the h key, but other renpy vn's i tried on android have a hide button in the ui for this, maybe you could add this in the next update? love the game so far I have bought on steam and itch.
Thanks for letting me know, I didn't know this was an issue for Android versions.
I'll look into creating a button in the UI so that Android users can hide/show the text box, and hopefully add it next update, or the one after that (I don't think it should be too difficult).
Just to get back to you on this, the latest version now has a hide UI button added to the lower part of the screen, so it should now also work for people using Android :).
Intro > Stay with Thomas (don't leave with Kate) > Survive the Tribes attack > Do not marry Marion or Varga > Select all the encounters with Lady Carolyn
Currently aiming to be releasing it around the 4th of February :). It's a bigger one than usual, so it's taken 2 months rather than the usual monthly update, but I'm excited forit.
Hello! I am Megamy, and I am currently the one reviewing your Novel from the Steam curator group "Visual Novel, JRPG, Anime" to which you sent the request for the game to be reviewed. I want to ask about the current progress of the game. I am currently on standby to read the novel further, so I can do a review that englobes the whole game and not just the Alpha access. At the current advance of my story, I like it, there are many choices to be done which I appreciate, many good and bad choices, and a few different outcomes but I do not know yet how much they might affect the story flow and its final endings.
I saw that the game on Steam is still stated as early access but has been released on the 19th January, so I am asking if you can provide me with some intel about the release date so as to write a complete review.
Thank you for the kind comment and I'm happy to see you're enjoying the content that is available so far :).
To answer your questions as best as I can:
1) The game is out in Early Access on Steam, that version is similar to the version here on Itch. 2) The current progress is about 1/3rd of the total planned story, and by the end of this year I hope to bring the story up to 2/3rd complete. Then next year, I will finish all the major storylines. 3) So, the aim for the final release is in 2024.
Hope that helps and I look forward to reading your review :).
With about 1-2 years of time, I will probably go and try to find as many routes as I can and try to make a current state review out of this, and later on, once the novel is released a more complete review since I do doubt I'll be able to keep details for this long in my goldfish brain :D .
When the time come please do not hesitate to contact us again for a full review in case I should miss the occasion.
I hope the little brother will find his own success in between the endings that shows him as weak.
I was thinking, in the future you may want to add a photo in the front page. You forgot alaric! Alaric is a gold mine. People love hot assholes that you want to change or that are different for you.
Hah, yeah Alaric is a lot of fun to write for as well. Perhaps I should update the front-page, I haven't changed it much since the first release, I'll look into it.
Hello I adored this game, and replayed the demo so many times before decidding to just buy it XD. I got alot of the CGs already and loving the story so far, though... I still haven't found this one yet?
Great to hear you're enjoying the game :). To get to that particular scene/image you have to (Spoiler):
Leave with Kate > Don't join mercenaries > Run away from the Thief > Leave Lethram, then you meet a new group of characters, one of whom is called Sakar, just side with him and that scene (and others) will play out eventually :).
Hello! I really love this game, but I was wondering how to get some of these images. How do you get the orc picture or the one under the razaphel? Speaking of which I assume he's on the mage route, but I'm not sure how to get that route. Sorry for the trouble, I usually like looking at walkthroughs for this kind of thing. I really like the sailor route and the route with the thief guy, as well as Varga! I can't wait to see more content for this game. I purchased the game on, how do I get the updates? Do I have to purchase the game again?
Thank you for the kind words, I'm very happy to read that you enjoy the story so far :).
If you've bought the game, you should have access to the Itch version, which is the most recent version that contains all the available content. New updates will get released whenever they are finished, but you don't have to pay for them again. One purchase is enough forever.
As for your questions about the images:
1) Orc pictures are usually about the character Atilla, an orc. To get to him, you have to Leave with Kate > Join the Mercenaries > Be trained by Atilla. This has most of the orc images.
2) Razaphel is on the mage route, correct. In order to get on the mage route, you have to Leave with Kate > Do not join the mercenaries > When the thief guy shows up, scream. After that, you are on the mage route.
Yes thank you so much for the help and for the great content! I was able to download the updated version thank you. When you add more content I'll probably ask again for help if I need it thank you! :)) Although the question I was asking before was the night image where Sarah seems to be riding someone on the ground. Is that on the mage route?
Leave with Kate > Don't join mercenaries > Run away from the Thief > Leave Lethram, then you got a story-route where you can meet new characters, one of whom has that scene.
just brought the game, i enjoys it so far b ut you really need to update the character standing picture , it very out of context , for example Kate in the very beginning dresses up in Merc suit while talking about being a maid , it self is a huge spoilers , same to character facial as well , her father just dead but Rose face still smile
I saw a video about this game from a website called BiliBili.This game is fantastic, and I hope that in the future the main characters have voice acting!! Razaphel's scenes are so sexy.I love him.
Thank you so much for the kind words! Really great to read about how the game is spreading and people are recommending it because they enjoy it. As the creator, there really is nothing that makes me more excited to keep working every day :).
As for Razaphel, he's a personal favorite as well! Since you like him so much, below is a new artwork involving him that's going to be included in the game in the next update. Hope you enjoy it.
I haven't seen any other way to contact y'all, but I wanted to let you know that your game has been published up to v0.80 on some s*x game websites for free. I got to looking because some of the WIPs I follow are having problems with people pirating their games. I don't know if this is the case with you guys, but I wanted to bring it to your attention.
Thank you for letting me know. Unfortunately, piracy is something that really can't be stopped. I don't mind it too much, fortunately there are also a lot of supportive fans that help make the development possible, so I just try to think about the positive :).
When I marry Varga there are sex scenes but when I do the same with Marion it end abruptly, does it mean that his story isn't yet finished ? and do you have any ideas for an update about him in the near future.Tnx for great game
I am a player from Asia, and your game is very interesting. The female leader is really special, which is quite different from the women respected in our culture. I read the comments of other players, and we think about the same thing. The female leader is not a so-called "good girl" in fact, she is doing something soberly to hurt others and protect her power. I don't advocate such a worldview, nor do I want to criticize such writing content. In fact, it is also a kind of diversity. While I lament the heroine's sacrifice to others, I am attracted by the plot.
She reminds me of Cersei in the Game of Thrones. As Rose, I occasionally try to be a black rose with thorns, which is not a disgusting experience. After all, playing this game is to experience different stories and experiences.
She may not be my favorite heroine, but she must be a heroine that I remember vividly and unforgettably.
Feeling of freshness to experience such a story with 8 dollars. It's hard for the author to develop it!
If there is any mistake in the comments written in the translator, please forgive me~
1) The first image is a preview for the upcoming update. Sometime next week I'll be releasing update v0.90 and then you can reach that scene on the mage-path. Right now, it's not out yet, so it makes sense you haven't seen it yet.
2) This is a trickier one, to get it you: Intro > Leave with Kate > Don't Join Mercenaries > Run away from Brigand > Leave Lethram. This starts the "Old Road" story. If you reject the advances of a character named Sakar, you can end up getting that scene somewhere along that storyline.
I was seriously considering getting the full version since a lot of the storylines had interesting ideas and I wanted to see where you were planning to go with these. It also seemed pretty well made and thought through. Then I unfortunately decided to play the soldier storyline for completions sake.
Not only does most of the stuff not make sense, at least not in a world that functions on even remotely similar laws of physics, the way she defeated things no one else could frankly seemed like an asspull most of the time. The attempt of adding a moral dilemma seemed like exactly that, an attempt. She is angry that people would harm her men after they literally invaded a city and goes from calling her own people vile monsters to lamenting their deaths in a matter of seconds. She watches women getting raped by her own subordinates and then asks herself whether she is a good person. The story goes from literal deathtrap to easy win to sharing the backround story of a character that only got lightly wounded in a few lines.
But hey, I might have still considered buying it in hopes that the other storylines might be better. That is until someone thought it was funny to literally announce a mass raping on camera. I'm not saying that things like this never happened historically speaking, but as an author you very much have the freedom to decide what to include and what not. And if you for some reason want to include things like that, at least add a content warning beforehand, so that people who aren't comfortable with things like that can chose to stop reading beforehand
So please, even if you decide that I simply wasn't the intended target audience and that my complaints about the writing are just a matter of personal preference and that I'm taking things too seriously or completely missing the whole point, please add content warnings. It can ruin the entire game for people otherwise
And if the described problems are exclusive to the demo still consider fixing them, it's how you're trying to convince people that your game is worth buying after all
I definitely understand some of your comments relating to the story. Some of them I can't necessarily agree to, so for example Sarah's ability to do things nobody else can isn't written by accident or unintentionally, it all very much features into how the story grows and particular future revelations. So I agree, she can do things that seem to defy physical laws, but that's not written by mistake.
As for the content and the content warning, I understand and I agree with you. The story takes place in a pretty bleak world, and it's inspired by a lot of dark-fantasy, and I sometimes lean a bit heavy into those tropes.
There are some content warnings on other platforms, but I agree that perhaps it would also be a good idea to better reflect those in the Itch page and give an in-game warning ahead of time, for people who do not want to see such content. It was definitely never my intention to surprise people with those kinds of story-elements, so if I did and I caused any upset, I definitely apologize and I'll try to include some content warnings up front going forward.
First of all, thanks for being so understanding. I know that my comment probably wasn't the nicest that you ever got and certain things probably simply aren't meant to appeal to me. But as I said I really liked some ideas and certain storylines seemed really interesting so I was curious what I have to expect from the story as a whole. And then there was of course the issue with content warnings.
I've read dark fantasy before and I now that some people are okay with it but I personally am pretty uncomfortable with rape. And since up until that point most rape seemed to be avoidable one way or another I didn't expect something like this to happen, at least not that explicitly.
I already kinda suspected that there might be a reason why she is able to do certain things, it's just that in these scenes it felt a bit out of nowhere and even anticlimactic. That being said most things can probably be explained with her having some form of power in combination with me being too pedantic about what's realistic in medieval warfare.
Not sure if it's a bad download, but when I get to the current end of the sailor path, if I chose to stay in the city, I get an error that the background doesn't load, though it continues just with Sarah on a black background.
Also noticed awful misspelled as aweful a couple times throughout the routes, but I can't remember exactly where on that (I know there was at least on in the sailor route)
Thoroughly enjoying the game and can't wait for the next update, keep up the good work!
Yeah, that's currently where that path ends. It's true that there is a small graphics bug there, but the content also ends there for now, so you're not missing much.
As for the spelling mistakes, thank you so much for bringing them to my attention. I don't always have a lot of time to edit/spellcheck the game, so whenever people point out mistakes it makes it very easy for me to make quick corrections.
All instances of aweful have fixed in the script and should now be awful, starting in the next update :).
Yea knew it ended there, just wasn't sure how testing works with Ren'py and if the background worked in testing or not, so figured I'd say in case it didn't.
Glad I could help, not gonna lie, at first I just assumed I'd always spelled it wrong, but googled to check lol.
I usually drop the update on Patreon and then within a few hours also drop it here on Itch for those who bought the game. I plan to keep the releases close, because I don't like to make big distinctions between players that decide to pay. After all, it's the support of paying players that make it possible for me to create the game, regardless of which payment option they decide works best for their situation.
Depending on how fast you read, I'd say maybe about 15-20 hours worth of content right now. The exact final content might be a bit hard to estimate exactly, but it would represent expanding all the current available paths, as well as introducing some new ones, so likely to be easily 2-3x larger before it's all finished.
You're actually the first to bring it up; I hadn't even really thought much about it. I'll see if I can make this work and either get an IOS version this update or next update.
Which path has the most content? Because I remember playing this game several months back and the game ends up in the exact same spot it did back then. I chose to stay, had a crushing victory against Hassan and chose to marry Marion. There's little to it after that.
The most content is probably along the route where you decide to marry Varga, or refuse to marry either. Then there is also a lot of content for leaving with Kate and either deciding to join the mercenaries, or starting the Mage route. Both those paths currently have some of the longest running routes.
I accidentally found absence of Sarah and Varga first sex. ...... Any additions for "princess route" are planned? P.S I liked "Sailor route" more than last "warrior" update.
And yeah, some scenes are still having their art worked on, and the first Sarah x Varga scene is one of those, but I hope to have it up soon, I think either this update or the one after.
Is any one else experiencing a glitch trying to open the gallery with v0.70 on Android? Every time I try and open the gallery it say an exception has occurred.
Could you please give me hints on how to access the .70 content? I currently have a Warriorpath that i must have missed a trigger for the new content, a Betrayal Mage path that i also cant find the new content and the sailor path also eludes me. Any help would be appreciated!
Of course! The sailor-path can be a bit tricky to access. I've made it easier to get to in this update (it used to be even more obscure), and I'm still looking at ways to make it more accessible in the future. For now, do the following:
Spoilers warning below for those new to the game:
Leave with Kate > Have an encounter between Sarah and Belmont, either alone or together with Kate (either option should work) > Then decide to join the mercenaries. You can select any of the 3 training options, and this should now trigger a bonus scene where Sarah meets Belmont again. > Confront him and keep confronting him and this should put you on the sailor route.
As for the content on the other paths, it depends on where exactly they're cutting off for you. Some of them are just at their current story end.
I recommend you put changelog (as .txt file) what your adding to the game, maybe add how to access it so people can find it, if you intend to sell it here on itch for people who don't support on patreon.
I truly admire your work! It's rare to find a visual novel like this: good rhythm, an interesting story and choices who matters for real, not only for romance. I think extras like a list of endings and a gallery would be a great add, but the game is still in develepment, it's up to you. Good job!!
Right now the available content along that route means not going with Kate and making all the right decisions to defend from the Tribes. After that, you're on the path where you stay with Thomas. There are a few other decisions that can affect the situation, but for the most part you should be fine.
V0.50 expands on the mage story, so if you've already previously played everything that was available there, you can simply continue based on where you last left off.
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Hi there big fan of the game. I was just wondering is there a walkthrough for the game ?
Not at the moment, but I'm working on one that I hope to release in a little bit, just so players have an easy way of seeing how to access all the content :).
Thank you for working so hard. We all really appreciate the effort.
P.S Can you drop some hints about your plans regarding the mercenary route plz ?
can you add more save slot
Good question!
And yeah, I'm definitely planning to have some of the old art pieces updated/improved on to achieve a more unified artstyle.
My first priority is to fill in all the black-screen scenes, to make sure that every scene has at least 1 piece of art. After that, I want to improve on some of the weaker pieces and hopefully even create more scenes with multiple pieces of art, as well as more animated art scenes.
But it's always a balancing act as well. I don't have infinite resources, and artists can only work so fast. So a lot of attention also has to go towards new updates as well.
So, a lot of these art-issues are growing pains, and I definitely hope/plan to smooth them over step-by-step with every update.
Bought the game on steam and saw the Dev being more active here so I wanted to ask. Is it normal to get: an Exception has occured while loading image error when you click gallery in the menu?
Yeah, unfortunately the gallery is currently not functional. I'm working on getting that fixed, hopefully some good news there soon.
Thanks for the clarification. I was worried that my computer was the problem.
Hi there, good work. What i have played i really liked, but i wanted to ask, is there any pregnacy content ingame?
There are some routes where Sarah encounters pregnancy, such as with some of the latest Tribe-routes.
However, in terms of content that heavily focusses on and really goes in-depth on pregnancy, there isn't a storyline like that in the game yet.
It is being worked on, for sure, but I'm afraid it's not here yet.
I really enjoyed the new update! I saved the Jaeid content for last because I had a feeling his would be the most romantic. I'm glad I did! He's such a sweetheart! Obviously he still has his issues though, given his loyalty to Hassar and the Tribes culture. I'm curious to see how his loyalty vs his love for Sarah will play out down the line. All of the other routes, especially the old soldier one, were a little depressing. But it definitely makes sense, since everything happened due to the poor decisions that we made regarding the invasion. So far, my favorite has been the warrior storyline. Seeing how strong and independent Sarah can become really makes me happy. What storyline are you thinking of expanding in the next update?
Glad to read that you're enjoying the new content :).
And yeah, the Jaeid-route is a rare happy/positive route in what is otherwise a pretty bleak set of storylines. Finding that balance/resolution between how he feels about Sarah and his loyalties to the Tribe are going to be a big part of their story.
As for the next update, I aim to be releasing that in about a month, but I can't yet say what it will be about. The only thing I can say is that it will be a bit more of a happy/upbeat update, because writing this much dark/depressing content can be exhausting haha.
I know this is spoilery so I'm gonna try to keep it simple, but after seeing certain parts of the mage route and also the Khan's (for now) short route, I'm not nearly as certain he's a "bad guy". Maybe I'm falling into the same trap as his haremettes, but I have theories as to what his true goals are/who/what he works for.
Jasmine is even more lovable.
hi, is there a way to hide the text box on android?
Most every artwork in the game is followed by a line of code that hides the text box and pauses until the player taps to continue. So usually, when the game transitions to a new artwork, it should show a version without text box first.
Additionally, I also know Renpy also offers a standard function like this on PC, but I'm not sure if it does so for Android.
thanks for the reply, I found the shortcut for pc, I belive its the h key, but other renpy vn's i tried on android have a hide button in the ui for this, maybe you could add this in the next update? love the game so far I have bought on steam and itch.
Thanks for letting me know, I didn't know this was an issue for Android versions.
I'll look into creating a button in the UI so that Android users can hide/show the text box, and hopefully add it next update, or the one after that (I don't think it should be too difficult).
Just to get back to you on this, the latest version now has a hide UI button added to the lower part of the screen, so it should now also work for people using Android :).
How do i get this scene?
To get to that scene you have to:
Intro > Stay with Thomas (don't leave with Kate) > Survive the Tribes attack > Do not marry Marion or Varga > Select all the encounters with Lady Carolyn
When is the next update?
Currently aiming to be releasing it around the 4th of February :). It's a bigger one than usual, so it's taken 2 months rather than the usual monthly update, but I'm excited forit.
Sounds of angry sailor , slave, traveler( oh how you called it) routes.
Hey is there a place to report bugs?
Not an official place, but you could drop them here and I'll see what might be the issue/fix it.
These are from mage path.
Save 1
save 5
Link to saves
Dam this post looks ugly....
Hello!The game is interesting,but I'm curious that how can I get the achievements on steam since I bought the game on itch?TT
Achievements haven't been put into Steam yet, so unfortunately there aren't any to collect yet, but I plan to add them in the future :).
I am Megamy, and I am currently the one reviewing your Novel from the Steam curator group "Visual Novel, JRPG, Anime" to which you sent the request for the game to be reviewed.
I want to ask about the current progress of the game. I am currently on standby to read the novel further, so I can do a review that englobes the whole game and not just the Alpha access.
At the current advance of my story, I like it, there are many choices to be done which I appreciate, many good and bad choices, and a few different outcomes but I do not know yet how much they might affect the story flow and its final endings.
I saw that the game on Steam is still stated as early access but has been released on the 19th January, so I am asking if you can provide me with some intel about the release date so as to write a complete review.
Thank you very much for your reply!
Thank you for the kind comment and I'm happy to see you're enjoying the content that is available so far :).
To answer your questions as best as I can:
1) The game is out in Early Access on Steam, that version is similar to the version here on Itch.
2) The current progress is about 1/3rd of the total planned story, and by the end of this year I hope to bring the story up to 2/3rd complete. Then next year, I will finish all the major storylines.
3) So, the aim for the final release is in 2024.
Hope that helps and I look forward to reading your review :).
Thanks! I appreciate your answer.
With about 1-2 years of time, I will probably go and try to find as many routes as I can and try to make a current state review out of this, and later on, once the novel is released a more complete review since I do doubt I'll be able to keep details for this long in my goldfish brain :D .
When the time come please do not hesitate to contact us again for a full review in case I should miss the occasion.
I hope the little brother will find his own success in between the endings that shows him as weak.
Definitely! He's one of the potential main love interests on that route, and I hope he'll be returning soon in a few updates :)
I was thinking, in the future you may want to add a photo in the front page. You forgot alaric! Alaric is a gold mine. People love hot assholes that you want to change or that are different for you.
Hah, yeah Alaric is a lot of fun to write for as well. Perhaps I should update the front-page, I haven't changed it much since the first release, I'll look into it.
Alaric make people feels very uncomfortable.
too obscene and greasy
Hello I adored this game, and replayed the demo so many times before decidding to just buy it XD. I got alot of the CGs already and loving the story so far, though... I still haven't found this one yet?
Great to hear you're enjoying the game :). To get to that particular scene/image you have to (Spoiler):
Leave with Kate > Don't join mercenaries > Run away from the Thief > Leave Lethram, then you meet a new group of characters, one of whom is called Sakar, just side with him and that scene (and others) will play out eventually :).
Hope that helps.
Hello! I really love this game, but I was wondering how to get some of these images. How do you get the orc picture or the one under the razaphel? Speaking of which I assume he's on the mage route, but I'm not sure how to get that route. Sorry for the trouble, I usually like looking at walkthroughs for this kind of thing. I really like the sailor route and the route with the thief guy, as well as Varga! I can't wait to see more content for this game. I purchased the game on, how do I get the updates? Do I have to purchase the game again?
Thank you for the kind words, I'm very happy to read that you enjoy the story so far :).
If you've bought the game, you should have access to the Itch version, which is the most recent version that contains all the available content. New updates will get released whenever they are finished, but you don't have to pay for them again. One purchase is enough forever.
As for your questions about the images:
1) Orc pictures are usually about the character Atilla, an orc. To get to him, you have to Leave with Kate > Join the Mercenaries > Be trained by Atilla. This has most of the orc images.
2) Razaphel is on the mage route, correct. In order to get on the mage route, you have to Leave with Kate > Do not join the mercenaries > When the thief guy shows up, scream. After that, you are on the mage route.
I hope this helps :).
Yes thank you so much for the help and for the great content! I was able to download the updated version thank you. When you add more content I'll probably ask again for help if I need it thank you! :)) Although the question I was asking before was the night image where Sarah seems to be riding someone on the ground. Is that on the mage route?
Ooh, that image!
To get to that one:
Leave with Kate > Don't join mercenaries > Run away from the Thief > Leave Lethram, then you got a story-route where you can meet new characters, one of whom has that scene.
Ok thank you!
just brought the game, i enjoys it so far b ut you really need to update the character standing picture , it very out of context , for example Kate in the very beginning dresses up in Merc suit while talking about being a maid , it self is a huge spoilers , same to character facial as well , her father just dead but Rose face still smile
I saw a video about this game from a website called BiliBili.This game is fantastic, and I hope that in the future the main characters have voice acting!! Razaphel's scenes are so sexy.I love him.
Thank you so much for the kind words! Really great to read about how the game is spreading and people are recommending it because they enjoy it. As the creator, there really is nothing that makes me more excited to keep working every day :).

As for Razaphel, he's a personal favorite as well! Since you like him so much, below is a new artwork involving him that's going to be included in the game in the next update. Hope you enjoy it.
I haven't seen any other way to contact y'all, but I wanted to let you know that your game has been published up to v0.80 on some s*x game websites for free. I got to looking because some of the WIPs I follow are having problems with people pirating their games. I don't know if this is the case with you guys, but I wanted to bring it to your attention.
Thank you for letting me know. Unfortunately, piracy is something that really can't be stopped. I don't mind it too much, fortunately there are also a lot of supportive fans that help make the development possible, so I just try to think about the positive :).
When you invest to buy the game on Itch do updates come for free or would you need to buy it again?
One purchase entitles you to all future updates for free, you do not have to pay ever again.
When I marry Varga there are sex scenes but when I do the same with Marion it end abruptly, does it mean that his story isn't yet finished ? and do you have any ideas for an update about him in the near future.Tnx for great game
That's right, that is currently where the Marion-route ends, but I hope to be updating that one quite soon in the next year.
I am a player from Asia, and your game is very interesting. The female leader is really special, which is quite different from the women respected in our culture. I read the comments of other players, and we think about the same thing. The female leader is not a so-called "good girl" in fact, she is doing something soberly to hurt others and protect her power. I don't advocate such a worldview, nor do I want to criticize such writing content. In fact, it is also a kind of diversity. While I lament the heroine's sacrifice to others, I am attracted by the plot.
She reminds me of Cersei in the Game of Thrones. As Rose, I occasionally try to be a black rose with thorns, which is not a disgusting experience. After all, playing this game is to experience different stories and experiences.
She may not be my favorite heroine, but she must be a heroine that I remember vividly and unforgettably.
Feeling of freshness to experience such a story with 8 dollars. It's hard for the author to develop it!
If there is any mistake in the comments written in the translator, please forgive me~
Thank you so much for your comment, and how awesome to see that there are players from Asia who are also enjoying the game :).
Thank you for the kind words!
I had explored all 4 routes: Mage, Warrior, Sailor and Princess, but can't seem to find these scenes at all, can you show me how to reach them
Sure thing! Spoiler warning:
1) The first image is a preview for the upcoming update. Sometime next week I'll be releasing update v0.90 and then you can reach that scene on the mage-path. Right now, it's not out yet, so it makes sense you haven't seen it yet.
2) This is a trickier one, to get it you:
Intro > Leave with Kate > Don't Join Mercenaries > Run away from Brigand > Leave Lethram. This starts the "Old Road" story. If you reject the advances of a character named Sakar, you can end up getting that scene somewhere along that storyline.
Thanks so much!
Oh and may I ask you about the artist(s) who drew those pictures above?
I was seriously considering getting the full version since a lot of the storylines had interesting ideas and I wanted to see where you were planning to go with these. It also seemed pretty well made and thought through. Then I unfortunately decided to play the soldier storyline for completions sake.
Not only does most of the stuff not make sense, at least not in a world that functions on even remotely similar laws of physics, the way she defeated things no one else could frankly seemed like an asspull most of the time. The attempt of adding a moral dilemma seemed like exactly that, an attempt. She is angry that people would harm her men after they literally invaded a city and goes from calling her own people vile monsters to lamenting their deaths in a matter of seconds. She watches women getting raped by her own subordinates and then asks herself whether she is a good person. The story goes from literal deathtrap to easy win to sharing the backround story of a character that only got lightly wounded in a few lines.
But hey, I might have still considered buying it in hopes that the other storylines might be better. That is until someone thought it was funny to literally announce a mass raping on camera. I'm not saying that things like this never happened historically speaking, but as an author you very much have the freedom to decide what to include and what not. And if you for some reason want to include things like that, at least add a content warning beforehand, so that people who aren't comfortable with things like that can chose to stop reading beforehand
So please, even if you decide that I simply wasn't the intended target audience and that my complaints about the writing are just a matter of personal preference and that I'm taking things too seriously or completely missing the whole point, please add content warnings. It can ruin the entire game for people otherwise
And if the described problems are exclusive to the demo still consider fixing them, it's how you're trying to convince people that your game is worth buying after all
I definitely understand some of your comments relating to the story. Some of them I can't necessarily agree to, so for example Sarah's ability to do things nobody else can isn't written by accident or unintentionally, it all very much features into how the story grows and particular future revelations. So I agree, she can do things that seem to defy physical laws, but that's not written by mistake.
As for the content and the content warning, I understand and I agree with you. The story takes place in a pretty bleak world, and it's inspired by a lot of dark-fantasy, and I sometimes lean a bit heavy into those tropes.
There are some content warnings on other platforms, but I agree that perhaps it would also be a good idea to better reflect those in the Itch page and give an in-game warning ahead of time, for people who do not want to see such content. It was definitely never my intention to surprise people with those kinds of story-elements, so if I did and I caused any upset, I definitely apologize and I'll try to include some content warnings up front going forward.
First of all, thanks for being so understanding. I know that my comment probably wasn't the nicest that you ever got and certain things probably simply aren't meant to appeal to me. But as I said I really liked some ideas and certain storylines seemed really interesting so I was curious what I have to expect from the story as a whole. And then there was of course the issue with content warnings.
I've read dark fantasy before and I now that some people are okay with it but I personally am pretty uncomfortable with rape. And since up until that point most rape seemed to be avoidable one way or another I didn't expect something like this to happen, at least not that explicitly.
I already kinda suspected that there might be a reason why she is able to do certain things, it's just that in these scenes it felt a bit out of nowhere and even anticlimactic. That being said most things can probably be explained with her having some form of power in combination with me being too pedantic about what's realistic in medieval warfare.
Not sure if it's a bad download, but when I get to the current end of the sailor path, if I chose to stay in the city, I get an error that the background doesn't load, though it continues just with Sarah on a black background.
Also noticed awful misspelled as aweful a couple times throughout the routes, but I can't remember exactly where on that (I know there was at least on in the sailor route)
Thoroughly enjoying the game and can't wait for the next update, keep up the good work!
Yeah, that's currently where that path ends. It's true that there is a small graphics bug there, but the content also ends there for now, so you're not missing much.
As for the spelling mistakes, thank you so much for bringing them to my attention. I don't always have a lot of time to edit/spellcheck the game, so whenever people point out mistakes it makes it very easy for me to make quick corrections.
All instances of aweful have fixed in the script and should now be awful, starting in the next update :).
Yea knew it ended there, just wasn't sure how testing works with Ren'py and if the background worked in testing or not, so figured I'd say in case it didn't.
Glad I could help, not gonna lie, at first I just assumed I'd always spelled it wrong, but googled to check lol.
Awesome can't wait for it!
Was wondering, does buying this here get the full games updates at the same time as Patreon? Or does Patreon still get it sooner?
I usually drop the update on Patreon and then within a few hours also drop it here on Itch for those who bought the game. I plan to keep the releases close, because I don't like to make big distinctions between players that decide to pay. After all, it's the support of paying players that make it possible for me to create the game, regardless of which payment option they decide works best for their situation.
how much content is there right now, and how much content is planned?
Depending on how fast you read, I'd say maybe about 15-20 hours worth of content right now. The exact final content might be a bit hard to estimate exactly, but it would represent expanding all the current available paths, as well as introducing some new ones, so likely to be easily 2-3x larger before it's all finished.
Are the scenes animated or is it picture based? :)
You're actually the first to bring it up; I hadn't even really thought much about it. I'll see if I can make this work and either get an IOS version this update or next update.
Which path has the most content?
Because I remember playing this game several months back and the game ends up in the exact same spot it did back then. I chose to stay, had a crushing victory against Hassan and chose to marry Marion. There's little to it after that.
That's currently where that route ends yeah.
The most content is probably along the route where you decide to marry Varga, or refuse to marry either.
Then there is also a lot of content for leaving with Kate and either deciding to join the mercenaries, or starting the Mage route. Both those paths currently have some of the longest running routes.
I accidentally found absence of Sarah and Varga first sex. ...... Any additions for "princess route" are planned? P.S I liked "Sailor route" more than last "warrior" update.
I'm happy to read that you enjoyed it!
And yeah, some scenes are still having their art worked on, and the first Sarah x Varga scene is one of those, but I hope to have it up soon, I think either this update or the one after.
How come we don’t have a good view of her crouch during the h scenes?
Is any one else experiencing a glitch trying to open the gallery with v0.70 on Android? Every time I try and open the gallery it say an exception has occurred.
Same story
same for me on windows
Awesome game 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Could you please give me hints on how to access the .70 content? I currently have a Warriorpath that i must have missed a trigger for the new content, a Betrayal Mage path that i also cant find the new content and the sailor path also eludes me. Any help would be appreciated!
Of course! The sailor-path can be a bit tricky to access. I've made it easier to get to in this update (it used to be even more obscure), and I'm still looking at ways to make it more accessible in the future. For now, do the following:
Spoilers warning below for those new to the game:
Leave with Kate > Have an encounter between Sarah and Belmont, either alone or together with Kate (either option should work) > Then decide to join the mercenaries. You can select any of the 3 training options, and this should now trigger a bonus scene where Sarah meets Belmont again. > Confront him and keep confronting him and this should put you on the sailor route.
As for the content on the other paths, it depends on where exactly they're cutting off for you. Some of them are just at their current story end.
I recommend you put changelog (as .txt file) what your adding to the game, maybe add how to access it so people can find it, if you intend to sell it here on itch for people who don't support on patreon.
Is there a kink list? I'd love to know what all is in this :)
Gave this as great a review as I can give it, hope to see more of the Rose Knight soon :D
I truly admire your work! It's rare to find a visual novel like this: good rhythm, an interesting story and choices who matters for real, not only for romance. I think extras like a list of endings and a gallery would be a great add, but the game is still in develepment, it's up to you. Good job!!
Thanks a lot for the kind comment! And yeah, those are definitely some things that I'm looking to implement eventually.
I was wondering if a walkthrough would be available for the route when you stay with the brother?
Right now the available content along that route means not going with Kate and making all the right decisions to defend from the Tribes. After that, you're on the path where you stay with Thomas. There are a few other decisions that can affect the situation, but for the most part you should be fine.
I know that question isn't for that topic, but i can't subscribe at Patreon.
What kind of routes expand V 0.60?
No worries! V0.60 expands on the warrior-story.
Thanks.P.S. Wait "desert" rout.
Hello, I was wondering if I have to start a new game for the 0.50 or if there is only one of the 2 main route with new content?
V0.50 expands on the mage story, so if you've already previously played everything that was available there, you can simply continue based on where you last left off.