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(14 edits) (-1)

Wait if the purpose is breeding. Duh. its highly ineffective. like periode cycel and stuff. 

So either the alines don't know or they like to make them suffer. 

But then again, no punishment for cleaning it out of the (you know what)

Spoiler/my notes:

Edit: Or they where smart and used Huamn compasion against them, to firce them to complay/"consent".

(Also would she not be also electrocuted by touching him? Obviously its some aline tech that prevent that. 

Edit2: Long life the liv liv room

Edit3: Wait a minute, they know about postive reinforcemnt. New room and all. 

Edit4: 95% wow. That are damm hard terms. 


  • 8.246.668.065 Population
  • (49,5%) Female
  • 3.061.575.519 (75% estimated of being above 18+)
  • 153.078.776 (95% from that)
  • 1.020.525.173 (Below 18)

which leaves 1.173.603.949 total left behind

And I forgot. All fertile and mature. Meaning the numbers are not correct in that reagard. So less taken and more left behind. (Which then left the answer if  birth controlls stuff would be noticed/ have an impact on the precces.)

Edit5: Oh boy guess we missed a star. As the nearest is 4.2465 light-years away. (lol don't takes these serious lol) quiet a bit fruther then 20

Edit6: 5% would be possible for reppopulation but human natrue is I think not taken into account.

Edit7: only trillions? Seems small for such an large entety tbh, or they are smaller then i belived. Do they not have whole Galaxys?

Edit8: 290.849.674 already "expired" (man do I hate him(?) for that, I aint allowing you mister (what was his name?) to dehumanize these to detach yourself from them. If he does that the shall feel quilty, if he can even do that.)

Also fuck him, should have done mire reasearch before doing it large scale. 

Edit10: scruw him. He has a perfect studi subject but he needs to also break that? Like damm, your toy is finaly fuctioning and the nyou destry it. 

Also did I already said that , scruw him, scruw him, scruw him, scruw him. 

You really  succeded in making me hate him. 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Hello, I liked the story and writing.

But still, I am angry at the aliens.

Are the next games going to have a resistance/xenophobic route to take revenge on the aliens?

Romance with a resistance leader for example.

Btw the 1/20 gender imbalance would cause problems, and historically every time a similar thing happens civil war or revolt follows, so it would be interesting to see it follow through.

Imagine the former husband's, sons, brother and boyfriend's after the invasion having their loved ones taken away, and their rage when they find out they became breeding slaves for the rest of their lives.


Looking forward to see more in the series.


Just finised some hours ago the game,it was really good,i don't know if there are multiple endings i should see hmm anyway i really liked it and i hope to see a continue of natalie story,i read the post of the other two games but i hope natalie story will continue im loving the story and all i just cant wait for the other games


Is pregnancy a planned feature, being "Alien Breeding" and all?

(1 edit) (+3)

Really good story, I very much enjoyed it. I wouldn't really call it a game though, there were maybe five choices for me to pick on my playthrough and only one really made a difference.


Thanks for the kind feedback and I'm happy to read you enjoyed it! And the game is definitely very linear, but my hope is that it will function as an introduction to the world's setting, and hopefully expand and give a lot more meaningful choices in the sequel :)!


Absolutely Amazing Game and Story. Kind of reminds me of Warhammer, and Star Wars. 

I hope there will be a part 2 of this as well as more games !

Amazing job  HappyDaedalus !

Amazing Job !

Thank you so much for the kind words!


Great product, got it as a gift on Steam and really enjoyed it.
Any way for us to support the artists (After I found out about them being sick, I thought a bit of encouragement and recognition would help them somewhat)?
Looking forward to trying TSSR!

Too a have to buy with every update?


No, a single purchase gives the full game.


Very nice piece of writing, touching even. I honestly did not expect how the story turned out in the end, I liked it quite a lot.


note this is from the discord private message

Hey , It’s me again, I joined patreon in order to access your discord because I need to talk to you about something, I checked out the full version of Alien Breeding Program: First Contact and its unique including the new art in the later chapters which is the one of the reasons I need to talk to you , I was wondering that eventhough you are busy trying to finish the Sarah Rose game, I wonder if you can hire the new artist to redraw the earlier art from the earliest chapters as shown below

  2. and make them look like the later ones

Also again I understand you are busy with the Sarah Rose game and the alien breeding trilogy but I just thought of some changing suggestions to the plot of Alien Breeding Program: First Contact, what if the first contact entry will have a lesbian route with just Natalie and Kim and no rokthar, what if they would be forced sex by machines and random male alien and human beings for the Duaylin breeding program research and used as Human exhibitions for an alien zoo, what if they do lesbian sex when they do to jungle bio dome and encounter the friendly rokthar race whether male or female and then make their escape to their nature planet and if its only 2 human girls , they would have sex with the strange dildo became pregnant and give birth to full human baby girls and possibly alien hybrid females and males. What do you think, do you want to include those changes into that game? Also I thought of some suggestions for a new game if you are done with The survival of sarah rose and the alien breeding trilogy or at least one of them , what if you make some standalone games separated from both alien breeding program and Sarah rose

  1. Lesbian naked alien abduction short game - what if another alien sci fi game but set outside alien breeding trilogy universe and will be standalone is about two women who are abducted and end up naked in an alien cell where they end up as Human exhibitions for an alien zoo and breed by random humans and aliens , now the two naked women must try to escape and the game ending would have them end up in a jungle paradise planet where they can make love and live happily ever after.

2. The lesbian nudist beach resort- I know you heard that before but I thought you can make this one after you made The survival of sarah rose and the alien breeding trilogy or at least one of them, The nudist beach resort game is about a woman who is bored of her life and thought of a vacation but when she saw an ad from the internet likely from softcore lesbian sites like girlsway or even hegre art, she sees an ad for a lesbian nudist beach resort, and she decided to go there

  1. Then she is greeted by a naked female tour guide who shows her around the place, and then she carries a box where the woman is told to disrobe and be naked , so the woman takes off her clothes along with her belongings, get naked and placed them in the box before the tour guide closed it and lock it until the day she leaves, after the tour guide says good bye to the woman now with unbraided hair, barefooted and naked, she went to the room and take a shower to freshen up before she is ready to experience the natural nudist lifestyle in the resort /beach with fellow naked women, this is where the player will decide which day, which naked girl the female protagonist will interact The first girl on the first day will be a nature lover where the female protagonist talks with her in dialogue then walks with her to the forest for a nature trek, where they can lie around on the grass, make love with a kiss, mud bath , take a shower in the waterfall and swim in a lake.
  2. The lesbian nudist beach resort- I know you heard that before but I though you can make this one after you made The survival of sarah rose and the alien breeding trilogy or at least one of them, The nudist beach resort game is about a woman who is bored of her life and thought of a vacation but when she saw an ad from the internet likely from softcore lesbian sites like girlsway or even hegre art, she sees an ad for a lesbian nudist beach resort, and she decided to go there

1. At the lesbian nudist beach resort consisting of a beach and a forest , she looks around the nudist beach resort where there are only women and naked which for her feels like a paradise

2. The second girl on the next day when the female protagonist goes to the beach and meets an athletic muscle girl , there she will compete with her in various beach competitions like volleyball, arm wrestling, weight lifting , surfing, and swimming in the waves then gives her a kiss

3.  The third girl on the next day will have the woman going sunbathing where she meets a naked beautiful milf who works in the nudist beach resort and will give the woman a massage with her hands and breasts spreading her body with oil or lotion and the female protagonist will do the same thing to the milf woman by giving a massage and covering her body with oil or lotion as well. 

 4.The fourth girl on the next at the nudist beach/resort lounge where the female protagonist encounters another girl who could be an old college student before graduating they talk, swim with her on the inside swimming pool , then jacuzzi, then sauna and then kiss and make love with each other.

 5.And the final day on the nudist beach/resort, the female protagonist and the girls are going to spend their last day having a nature hike to enjoy nudist nature and do an lesbian nature orgy , there the woman will encounter the naked girls she encountered throughout the game including the tour guide , chat with them, do some sex then at night she and the girls do a naked campfire dance before doing an lesbian sex orgy and then ends with the female protagonist and the naked girls pose together for a photo saying best nudist lesbian vacation ever. 6.The game ending will who the woman returning house , going back to her dull normal life but she takes a look at the photo of her time in the nudist beach resort and smiles wondering if she would go to the place again.

so will you be interested in making these two or one game after you are done with sarah rose and the alien breeding program first contact?


Is the scenes just still images?

is abp an original work of happy Daedalus or part of a larger project/work?

I ask because when you start the game it says: this is a self-contained game in the abp universe (or something to that effect)


Yeah, it's an original work by me. It's part of a planned series of games/stories, all set in that same universe. However with a lot of my work also going towards my other game ("The Survival of Sarah Rose"), that means that other games in this same universe will probably come later :).

This one was easy to produce though, because I had already fully written the story a while ago, so it didn't require any extra writing work.

It’s pretty good. I look forward to future stories- but I definitely am a fan of TSSR (is there an idea when the next update is coming out for TSSR?).

I'm hoping either next week or the week after :)!

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I try to download the demo and it didn't work. 


hey, i checked out the steam version and it seems the latest cutscenes have been redrawn with a different artist 

So I wonder if you can redraw the earlier cutscenes with that style

It's a good story.

As a game:

  • There are only a handful of actual choices.  I realize that's kind of the "visual novel" style but more agency would be nice (although makes things more complicated)
  • There are a number of typos in the text.   "apartment" is misspelled frequently.

It's unfortunate that the original artist fell ill (the artist's work is outstanding).   I don't think explaining the art style change is necessary, however, in the game's flow.     Many adult games have several artists and the other artist managed to match the general "look" of the characters, just interpreted differently.

is there news that the original artist was ill?

Yes, in the game right before the art changes there's a wall of text talking about it.


Yes, unfortunately the original artist that did the original style, and worked on about 70% of the art fell ill. There is a small disclaimer in the game about it as well.

I won't want to post too many details on his health, but in short, he became severly ill whenever he had prolonged exposure to screens. Because he's a digital artist, this of course posed a huge problem for him.

Initially we worked through this by slowing the pace of art creation, but in the end he decided that even short bursts were negatively affecting his health, and we agreed on finding a replacement for the last section of the game.

I'm passionate about the games that I produce, but I'll also be honest, I think at the end of the day it's not worth any person harming their own personal health over it, so I'm happy that he is now able to focus on his personal recovery.

(1 edit) (-2)

Ouch, although on the bright side the artist on the earlier cutscenes is going to recover and though the recent cutscene pictures look nice especially that they are anime like and lipless , people criticize it because he can't handle with the hands thinking they are made by an AI, so I think perhaps just to be safe every  cutscenes of first contact ( if the original artist won't recover ) will be redrawn by a different artist  probably by the survival of sarah rose artist perhaps anime like .


Sorry to interrupt HappyDaedalus but I need your reply to finish our conversation with my recent reply 


Sorry to bother happydaedalus,But i still need you to answer two questions for me 

1.  what if you make an ending  for alien breeding where the girl gains an ability to turn into different alien species?

2.What if the next game will involve female nudists   and lesbian sex , 

No worries!

So, to answer your questions as best I can:

1) That won't be part of the ending for this game, however, the full story for Alien Breeding Program is planned to eventually be a trilogy. This game is called  'First Contact', and it tells the smaller story of Humanities first encounter with the Duaylin Aliens.

In the second and third game/story, what you're describing (becoming different alien species, transforming, etc) will definitely show up. This game is really a first introduction to the world of the story, and I hope I can expand on it in the future with the next 2 games/stories.

2) Lesbian content is something I am usually very supportive of, and if the game was larger, something that I'd definitely include (it's a big part of my other game, 'The Survival of Sarah Rose', for example). In the next ABP game it would probably feature more prominently.

A story involving particularly female nudists sounds interesting, but I wouldn't say that I exactly have a concrete idea of what a story like that would be. I'm not saying I'd never write anything like that, but I don't really have a concrete concept for a story like that right now. Maybe you have a pitch idea :)!


Sorry, I am late, I looked at your reply  and now I hate lot of questions 

1. Since you say that Alien Breeding Program is planned as a trilogy with a beginning to end, what if you make each entry as a one hour short game ?

2. Will Alien Breeding Program be an anthology series with different protagonists and their interaction with Duaylin Aliens if it does will the protagonists be female and will they also be naked like in the first one and  will you explain the premise of the two entries of the Alien Breeding program series?

3. Will Natalie remain naked throughout the game , the same with the two protagonists of the game? 

4. Will Natalie in alien breeding program first contact no longer wear her neck collar later in the game but is still naked?

5. So, is it likely that all Alien Breeding Program entries will have lesbian theme which I can accept including both humans and aliens?

6. And lastly which entries in Alien Breeding Program will involve humans transform into different alien species that is  transformation theme?

And saying you are interested in the next game  that will involve female nudists   and lesbian sex , but you don't really have a concrete concept for a story unless I have a pitch idea, I will gladly help as I have tones of ideas, so I will give you two 

1 .The lesbian nudist beach resort one -

The nudist beach resort game is about a woman who is bored of her life and thought of a vacation but when she saw an ad from the internet likely from softcore lesbian sites like girlsway or even hegre art, she sees an ad for a lesbian nudist beach resort, and she decided to go there

At the lesbian nudist beach resort consisting  of a beach and a forest  , she looks around the nudist beach resort where there are only women and naked which for her feels like a paradise 

Then she is greeted by a naked female tour guide who shows her  around the place, and then she carries a box where the woman is told to disrobe and be naked , so the woman takes off her clothes along with her belongings, get naked and placed them in the box before the tour guide closed it and lock it until the day she leaves, after the tour guide says good bye to the woman now with unbraided hair, barefooted and naked, she went to the room and take a shower to freshen up before she is ready to experience the natural nudist lifestyle in the resort /beach with fellow naked women, this is where the player will decide which day, which naked girl the female protagonist will interact

The first girl on the first day will be a nature lover where the female protagonist talks with her in dialogue then walks with her to the forest for a nature trek, where they can lie around on the grass, make love with a kiss, mud bath , take a shower in the waterfall and swim in a lake.

The second girl on the next day when the female protagonist goes to the beach and meets  an athletic muscle girl , there she will compete with her in various beach competitions like volleyball, arm wrestling, weight lifting , surfing, and swimming in the waves then gives her a kiss

The third girl on the next day will have the woman going sunbathing where she meets a  naked beautiful milf who works in the nudist beach resort and will  give the woman  a massage with her hands and breasts spreading her body with oil or lotion and the female protagonist will do the same thing to the milf woman by giving a  massage and covering her body with oil or lotion as well.

The fourth girl on the next at the nudist beach/resort lounge where the female protagonist encounters another girl who could be an old college student before graduating they talk, swim with her on the inside swimming pool , then jacuzzi, then sauna and then kiss and make love with each other.

And the final day on the nudist beach/resort, the female protagonist and the girls are going to spend their last day having a nature hike to enjoy nudist nature and do an lesbian nature orgy , there the woman  will encounter the naked girls she encountered throughout the game including the tour guide , chat with them, do some sex then at  night she and the girls do a naked campfire dance before doing an lesbian sex orgy and then ends with the female protagonist and the naked girls pose together for a photo saying best nudist lesbian vacation ever.

The game ending will who the woman returning house , going back to her dull normal life but she  takes a look at the photo of her time in the nudist beach resort and smiles wondering if she would go to the place again. 

2.The fantasy world of naked women one- 

A woman was just walking around a forest and was lost from the tour group  when she spots a ruin in a gateway and suddenly teleported into it , there she is travelling through the portal and begins to lose her clothing in the process leaving her naked , and as she landed in a fantasy world naked which shocks her, she looks around and realize she is in a fantasy nature world full of only naked women with fantasy ones like elves, orcs and dwarves and there are sex monsters , 

Now the naked woman will lead the rebels against the evil naked queen and her naked female minions to bring freedom to this world while finding a way back to her world.

She can also do various things like hot, ,skinny dipping (including underwater), waterfall shower  and lesbian sex and more like a pure nudism exhibitionism RPGM game.

So what do you think of the two pitches ? give me a reply after you read two messages.


Thanks for the in-depth response! I'll do my best to answer your questions:

1) They are planned as a trilogy, of which 'First Contact' is the shortest and most kinetic. The 2nd and 3rd game/story would be a lot bigger and more option-rich.

2) Each of the games is as you mention an Anthology. It's set in the same universe, but features different characters/settings. All the games will be female-led.

The 2nd game would be called 'ABP: Left Behind'. It tells the story of a woman on Earth, several years after the Aliens kidnapped most of the women. So she grows up on an Earth that is controlled by the Aliens and where the ratio of women to men is something like 1:20.

It would be much more like a regular romance-sim, with both male options, female options and Alien options. The 3rd game is still too far away and the premise itself would be a bit of a spoiler.

3) Natalie will remain naked for the rest of the game, as well as the other protagonists.

4) Spoiler - But yes, she will lose the collar eventually, but still be nude.

5) Future entries will have lesbian themes/routes, yeah.

6) The 2nd game/story, 'Left Behind' has romance options with Aliens (Earth is occupied by the Duaylin and become part of their Empire). So the protagonist has a lot of options there to romance different Alien species. As for the transformation, the Duaylin are masters of genetic manipulation, so changing a human into something else/a hybrid, is something they can and will do.

As for your pitches:

I read them and I thought they were interesting, but I don't know if I feel there is enough of a story there yet to dive into it and really develop something.

But your pitches did give me a different idea as a possible small short story:

What would you think about a story set in the ABP universe, and it takes place on the Duaylin home planet. On their planet, they have an Alien-zoo, and some of the women they took from Earth are brought to the Alien-zoo as Human exhibitions.

Since they mostly took women from earth, it would be a ratio of 20:1 women-men. They'd also be naked, because they'd essentially be locked up in an Alien-zoo for Duaylin to come and visit. Since there are hardly any men in the enclosure, the women would mostly end up with other women, so it would be that mix of nudism/lesbianism.

You think something like that could be interesting?


Hey, didn’t mean to be late (again) I was a bit busy as always, but anyway here are my replies that I hope you answer


  • Since you claim that  2nd and 3rd game/story would be a lot bigger and more option and that the first game is the shortest , I am not sure since you have a busy personal life , especially that you are still working on the other game The Survival of Sarah Rose, I think maybe you should make each entry of Alien breeding program be one hour each just to be safe
  • Since you claim that  Future entries will have lesbian themes/routes, especially for both female humans or aliens, I was wondering if you include the lesbian route in the first entry of Alien breeding program first contact as well, by having Natalie decide the lesbian route with either a female human prisoner like her or female alien prisoner alongside the huge male alien that was introduced in the early access of Alien breeding program first contact.
  • Since the protagonist of the 2nd entry of Alien Breeding program called Left Behind is going to be naked like Natalie , I need to know if she would be naked from the beginning of the game up to the end as it is possible that there will be no clothing on earth since its conquered by  the Duaylin empire)
  • And speaking of transformations in Left Behind, will the Duaylin have the ability to shift into human, and will the protagonist of Left Behind gain the ability to shift into different alien species so she can have sex with them especially that if one of the  Duaylin will be part of the route she or he will also have the ability to change into a human so they can have sex with the protagonist in human forms and in Duaylin forms.
  • I understand that you wont reveal the title and premise of the third and final entry of Alien Breeding program because it would be spoilery but since you are busy with personal life and focusing on the other game The Survival of Sarah Rose, maybe you can at least tell us the title of the third entry and the premise  but with little spoilers, and my guess it will involve the romance between a female human and Dauylin (female or male)  and they will try to make both race be equals especially they will transform into each others species.
  • About your premise for a short story taking place in the Alien Breeding program universe involving naked females in an alien zoo interesting, but since you are busy with personal life and you planned the whole 3 entries of the series , I think you can make it an interquel set between the 2nd and 3rd entries
  • And lastly about what you said about my pitches that you don't know if you feel there is enough of a story there yet to dive into it and really develop something, maybe you can give both a try , since you demonstrated how to make fantasy games with lore like you did with The Survival of Sarah Rose, you can make them not part of the Alien Breeding program universe and make them standalone short story games, I can help improve the plot if its okay with you, you can come up with two plots based on my two pitches and maybe I can help improve them

I hope you can give replies to each of them. 

1) Yeah, I am quite busy, so right now the follow-up games/stories are not a priority right away. The first focus is still with TSSR and finishing that up.

2) This game is relatively straight-forward, so it won't have full-on lesbian content. It will have some three-some content though.

3) No, she can be naked on certain routes, or be clothed on others. Like I mentioned, it's still in planning phase and it's a lot more like TSSR in terms of choices. So that game will cover a lot of different stories/kinks.

4) The Duaylin can technically transform themselves into humans, but it's not something they would do. It's mostly manipulating other races through genetic mutation.

5) Like I mentioned, for the 3rd it's impossible to really talk about it without including massive spoilers about where the story will go. Even the title would be saying too much, and it's quite far away in terms of getting around to it. So for now I'll have to keep that one a secret.

6) Yeah, if I did something like that, it would be a short story/game.

7) It's possible, but right now I'm not in a position to really actively jump on new and big projects, because I'm already working in finishing up this one and still working on TSSR. Once TSSR is finished, I'll have a lot more time.

Hope these answers help :)

you mention you are supportive of lesbian content i was wondering are there any ideas for an all lesbian game in the pipe line?

Actually, I do have one kicking around, but it's in an entirely different story in an entirely different setting.

I don't necessarily know when I'll get around to it, once I have some more time I hope.

How much will choices matter in the final game?


There are some choices later in the game that affect the final outcome of the story, but it is more kinetic/straight-forward compared to my other game (The Survival of Sarah Rose), so while you can expect some different endings depending on choices, they won't necessarily be as extremely divergent as with my other game.

Any news?


Definitely! Production is still ongoing, and we're getting closer to being art complete :). Was planning to announce a more concrete date soon, but I expect to release the final game in around 2 months!


Hey, I've subscribed to you on Patreon with the max tier because I wanted to support your ABP development explicitly and I thought it would be more efficient than just buying an demo here (and I wanted to let you know about it, because sadly there's absolutely no mention of the ABP on your Patreon acc).
Not sure how much I could keep the max level sub (depends of my finances) but I'll try my best lol.
The game is fantastic, please pretty please try to finish it.


Thank you for the kind words and support!

And no need to worry, development on this game is pretty much set in stone, the script is a 100% finished, it's mostly art development and some coding. I feel very confident it will be finished in a few months :).

is the demo a previous full version or just a part of current content

The demo/prologue is part of the current content. The Early Access version runs about twice as long, and continues to the story right where the demo cuts off.

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"Ailen" breeding program, yet one of the first screenshots is just of bbc. Yeah, no


. . .


Hello! I adored this game, after I played the prologue I immediately bought the early access and it was worth every penny! Is there a way for me to follow more updates about this game?


Thanks for the kind words! Unfortunately, right now this page is the only place to get updates on the game, but I can promise you that the full release is not far away, only a few months, so you won't have to wait long for the final version of the game.

Also, buying the early access means you'll get access to the full release for free as well, so I hope you'll look forward to the full release soon :).

(3 edits) (+2)

"finding love" so there are romance options?? and are there other kinds of aliens and is this like a pregnancy thing? also do you have a twitter


Yeah, romance options are part of the full game, with the main arc being a kind of from hate-to-love type story. And it does feature different kind of aliens as well. Pregnancy content is definitely a big part of it in the later half of the story as well.

And yeah, I have a twitter but I don't really use it much for anything given that the traction on it was so low.

